The access, navigation, and use of the Website implies the express and unreserved acceptance of all the terms of these conditions of use, having the same validity and effectiveness as any written and signed contract. 

Its observance and compliance shall be enforceable with respect to any person accessing, browsing, or using the Website. If you do not agree to the above terms, do not access, browse, or use any page of the Website. 


Owner: EPI GESTION, S.L. (hereinafter SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS), in accordance with the provisions of Spanish Law 34/2002 of July 11th, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, informs and makes available to the recipient of the services the following General Booking Terms and Conditions. 

In this sense, the purpose of this document is to regulate the General Booking Terms and Conditions for the on-line reservation services in which EPI GESTION, S.L. with address at c/ Saturnino Calleja 16, 28002 Madrid, Tax ID Number (CIF): B-81890006, registered in the Mercantile Register of Madrid, in volume 12618, section 8, document number 174, sheet M 201777, acts as an intermediary on behalf of third parties and between the client and the establishment where the client makes the reservation. Its contact details being or telephone number + 34 960479446. 

The companies that are part of SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS and that provide the hotel services covered by the Website are listed in our Privacy Policy, containing the details of each company.  

Through this Website, EPI GESTIÓN, S.L., provides an online platform through which accommodations of the hotel chain Sandos Hotels & Resorts are offered and through which the customers can make their corresponding reservation. When making a reservation through, the customer/user establishes a direct contractual relationship with the hotel where the accommodation has been booked. In other words, when the reservation is made, EPI GESTIÓN, S.L. does not provide lodging services, nor does it manage, administer, lease, or exploit in any way admissible by law, nor does it carry out any activity in relation to the hotel establishments. It only acts as an intermediary between the client and the establishment, for the purposes of electronic commerce by transmitting the data of the reservation to the establishment and sending an e-mail to the client confirming the reservation, in the name and on behalf of the establishment itself. 

The information we offer has been expressly sent to us by the establishments that are responsible for updating their rates, availability, and other information that appears on our Website. They are the only ones responsible for veracity and accuracy, without EPI GESTIÓN, S.L. being responsible for offering information about  such services, which it intends to do as accurately as possible. Likewise, EPI GESTIÓN, S.L. does not have an interest in nor is it owned by any of the companies that operate and/or own the hotel establishments. 

EPI GESTIÓN, S.L. is the owner of the Website created with the purpose of intermediating in the promotion and sales of hotel services. 

The use by the recipients of these services shall imply full and unreserved acceptance and validity of each and every one of the General Terms and Conditions set forth herein, without the need to reproduce and/or ratify them elsewhere. Therefore, the User undertakes to read the Booking Conditions carefully, each time he/she proceeds to book a service. The use or booking of services implies the acceptance of the following General Conditions. The User states the following: 

That he/she is a person with the legal capacity to enter into any contract. 

That he/she has read and accepted these General Terms and Conditions. 

The User agrees to fill in the forms offered by SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS, on behalf of the establishment or by the establishment itself, to make a reservation with the personal and additional information requested and considered essential for the provision of the service. 

The contract may be executed in Spanish or English. 

The Recipient must verify the data in the reservation summary screen that will appear just before connecting to the payment gateway. 

The User will always and in any case have access to the General Booking Conditions, prior to the service booking procedure, which may be stored and/or reproduced on a durable medium. 


The purpose of the accommodation reservation service, offered by SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS on its Website, is to act as intermediary for the reservation of rooms in the different establishments with which the client books the accommodation services under the terms offered by the establishments. The booking process consists of the following stages: 

Searching and selecting the dates and the hotel. 

At this stage, it is not necessary for the client to register. It will be enough for the client to enter his/her preferences in the web form, such as the dates, number of rooms, and number of people of the reservation. 

Checking availability. 

After validating the data entered, and on the basis of these details, the next stage will be to show the client the availability of the hotel establishment. 

Loading the selection in the shopping cart. 

Once the availability of the preferences indicated by the client is shown, he/she must load his/her selection in the shopping cart to continue with the booking process. 

Introducing personal information and formalizing of the reservation. 

The customer must enter the personal information requested in the form presented to him/her, as well as the details of his/her credit card, on which no initial charge will be made, but which may be used in case of cancellation as indicated in these Conditions. 

All fields in this form are mandatory, so you must fill them out before formalizing the reservation. 

Once this step has been completed, the reservation will be formalized. 

After formalizing the reservation, the recipient of the service will receive an e-mail within 24 hours at the e-mail address provided during registration, with the reservation tracking number and a summary of the reservation. 

If you do not receive this e-mail within the indicated period, you should check your messages, including the SPAM folder and, if necessary, contact us at the e-mail address indicated above. Likewise, in case of detecting any error in the data collection, you should immediately communicate it to the above mentioned e-mail address providing the correct data. 

Warranty: The reservation is confirmed and guaranteed the whole night by credit card. In case of a no-show at the hotel without prior notice, the amount will be charged (VAT and taxes included) to the card according to the no-show policies of each establishment. 

Prices are only valid in writing and for the indicated period. When there are justifiable reasons, EPI GESTION S.L. and/or its subsidiaries reserve the right to modify these rates without prior notice. 

The prices related to the reservation will be indicated to you during the reservation process. The corresponding tax is applied to the prices, without prejudice to the application of additional taxes in accordance with the local regulations in force in each country. These local taxes must be paid directly at the hotel. 

In accordance with the above, the prices shown at the time of reservation include VAT (or equivalent tax) at the tax rate applicable at the time. 

In the event that the tax rate changes between the date of the reservation and the date of delivery of the services, generating a disparity, according to tax regulations, the tax rate to be applied to the final price will be the one that corresponds at the time of the delivery of the services or the accrual of the tax, even in cases where this would cause an increase in relation to the final price indicated to the client during the reservation. 

Payment made for the reservation 

The client must pay for the booked stay upon arrival at the hotel. 

For your own security, you will need to show an official ID at the moment of check-in in order to confirm your payment. You will not be able to complete your registration process without this document. 

Transactions managed by the payment manager will be processed through the payment gateway OPENPAY. 

Limitation liability of hotel establishments. 

In case the User wishes to file a complaint, such complaint should be addressed directly to the establishment. Please refer to the following e-mail addresses: 

Each of the above addresses contains the name of the hotel to facilitate its identification for the User. Likewise, in each of the establishments, complaint forms are available to the Users. 

Such claims should be made immediately, preferably during your stay at the hotel. In the event that the damage becomes apparent after the end of the stay in the establishment, the User has a period of fifteen (15) calendar days to report such damage. After this period has elapsed, the establishments shall refuse any type of responsibility. 

In any case, the hotel's liability will be limited to the amount of the reservation. In no case shall the establishment be responsible for the costs and expenses of professionals acting on behalf of the Users. 


EPI GESTION, S.L., by indication of each of the establishments, may modify the provisions of the Booking Conditions whenever there is sufficient cause or reason to do so, publishing such modifications on the Website. In such a case, the direct responsibility for any modification shall be the establishment that decides on the modification. It is understood that there is sufficient cause or reason for the modification when the purpose of the modification is, among others but not limited to: 

To expand the range or number of services made available to the User or improve existing ones. 

To modify, replace, or update the prices of the services offered through the Website. 

The period of validity of these General Booking Conditions shall be the time they remain published on the Website and shall apply to the services purchased at the time these conditions are available. 

In any case, SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS reserves the right to modify them unilaterally, without affecting the services booked by the User prior to the modification, except in those cases in which the User has changed or modified the booked service, in which case the conditions in force at the time of the change and/or modification will be applicable. 


The recipient undertakes and guarantees to use the Website and the services made available on it in accordance with the provisions and purposes set out in the General and Specific Booking Conditions of the hotel reservations and the provisions of the applicable regulations, as well as those relating to morality and decency. 

Likewise, the recipient shall refrain from obtaining the contents provided on the Website by means of illicit or fraudulent actions, theft, or plagiarism, in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Code and any other applicable regulations. 

SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS reserves the right to deny access to the site, without prior notice, to any recipient who contravenes the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. 

For his/her part, the recipient undertakes not to make unlawful use of the contents of the Website or such use that may be detrimental to SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS. Therefore, the recipient will refrain from modifying, copying, distributing, publishing, transferring and/or selling any information or design of the Website owned by EPI GESTION, S.L. 

Hyperlinks and secure environment. 

SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS is not responsible for the web pages linked to this site, so it is not responsible for their contents. Any risks deriving from the consultation of such web pages correspond exclusively to the recipients, who must abide by the terms, conditions, and legal notices of these sites, for which SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS is not responsible. 

SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS uses technological means to ensure the protection of information with regard to the use of their websites. The entire service procurement process is carried out in a secure environment, with a secure SSL server of up to 256 bits. 

Intellectual and Industrial Property. 

SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS is the owner of the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights and the elements of the design of the Website, such as the brand, commercial name, or its distinctive symbol, etc. which are legitimately exploited by virtue of agreements or licenses of use, being duly protected by the existing Intellectual and Industrial Property Regulations. In particular and without limitation, the logos, color combinations, the selection and form of presentation, the code source of the Website, the menus, navigation buttons, HTML code, Java applets, texts, images, graphics, as well as any other contents of the Website owned by SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS. 

Procedure in case of a violation of the Intellectual Property Rights: 

In the event that any User or third party considers that any of the contents has been introduced in its Website in violation of its intellectual property rights, it must send a notification to SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS with a complete and precise indication of the details and allegedly infringed intellectual property rights, as well as the Website. 

Exclusion of liability. 

SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS does not guarantee the reliability, availability, or continuity of the services made available to the User, and therefore disclaims any liability for damages and/or losses that may be due to the lack of availability, reliability, or continuity of the Website or its services, although it will try to provide, to the best of its ability, technical assistance to the affected person, as well as to try to restore any interruption immediately, making alternative means available, to the best of its ability. 

The recipient expressly exonerates SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS from any liability for direct and indirect damages resulting from possible errors on the Website, as well as for any interruption, suspension, delay, or anomaly in access to it. 

SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS undertakes to take the utmost care to protect the Website from viruses, Trojan horses and other elements that could violate or damage the computer system of the recipient or third parties. In any case, the recipient exonerates SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS from any liability for direct or indirect damages caused by the possible existence of such harmful or malicious elements. 

Likewise, in its capacity as an intermediary on behalf of others, EPI GESTIÓN, S.L. cannot be held responsible in case the service provided to the recipient does not correspond to the service offered on its Website. 


Obligations of the Recipient 

The Recipient agrees: 

To carry out the full compliance of what is established in these conditions with regard to the services provided by SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS. 

To fill out the registration forms prior to the booking process with truthful and up-to-date information. 

To pay the price of the booked services, without the filing of a complaint or claim exempting you from this obligation. 

The user agrees to use the services in accordance with the law, morality, good customs, and public order, as well as the provisions of these Terms and/or General Booking Conditions. Consequently, the User is obliged not to use the services for purposes or effects that are illicit and/or contrary to the provisions of these Terms and/or General  Booking Conditions, or that are harmful to the rights and/or interests of third parties or that, in any way, may damage the services, establishments (hotels) and/or their image. 

SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS, may, for agility purposes and for the benefit of the users, unilaterally modify the services provided, or the Conditions for the operation, technical aspects and use of the services, at any time and without prior notice. Similarly, in order to improve the services and establish an optimum level of quality, the final objective of SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS, users may suggest those modifications that they deem useful, by contacting those responsible for the page through the e-mail address: 

The User declares that he/she is of legal age (over 18 years old) and he/she has the necessary legal capacity to book the Services offered on the Website in accordance with the Conditions, which he/she has read and fully understands. In case the booking is done by a minor, SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS will not be responsible in any case, and the minor himself/herself and his/her parents or guardians must cover the costs and consequences that this may cause. Access to the Website is the sole responsibility of the Users. 

Likewise, the User undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of the Platform; the Recipient shall refrain from copying, reproducing, distributing, making available, or publicly communicating the content of the Website, without the express written authorization of EPI GESTION, S.L., and specifically shall refrain from: 

(a) Removing, evading, or manipulating the copyright, trademarks, and other data identifying the rights of EPI GESTION, S.L., or its owners incorporated into the content and/or products marketed on the Website of EPI GESTION, S.L., as well as the technical protection devices, fingerprints or any information mechanisms that may contain them. 

(b) To use the contents and, in particular, the information of EPI GESTION, S.L., obtained through its Website to send advertising, communications for direct marketing purposes, or any other commercial purpose, through unsolicited messages addressed to others. 

(c) To reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless authorized by the holder of the corresponding rights or if it is legally permitted. 

(d) In general, to use the contents in a manner, with purposes or effects contrary to law, morality, and generally accepted good customs or public order. EPI GESTION, S.L., does not grant any license or authorization for the use or exploitation of any kind of its industrial and intellectual property rights or any other property or right related to its Website. 

Rights of the recipient: 

All information provided to the client shall be binding for the offer or under the terms established by the legislation in force. 

Every recipient of the booked services has the right to have the services acquired be of the category and legal requirements booked or of that quality that is directly proportional to the category of the establishment. 


The prices and rates applicable to the booking of the services by the User, shall be those provided by the establishments and appearing on the Website owned by SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS, at the time the recipient accesses the specific service and when booking process is completed. 

As stated above, the total and final calculation of the reservation includes V.A.T. (or any equivalent tax), unless not expressly included and so stated. 

Any other fee or tax affecting the final price will be paid additionally at the hotel establishment and will therefore be additional to the rate offered by the hotel. 

Clients are obliged to pay the price of the services billed on arrival at the establishment. 

As a general rule and unless expressly agreed otherwise, rooms may be used from 3:00 p.m. on the day of arrival and must be vacated by 12:00 noon on the day of departure. If the client does not show up on the check-in day, the duly communicated reservation cancellation policy shall be applied. 

The prices indicated are retail prices, VAT included. However, in case of any error occurred during data entry, failure of computer calculation, or other circumstances provided for in these General Conditions, the information provided may be subject to changes, which will be valid as long as the customer is aware of them before starting their trip. 

The Retail Prices published on this Website are automatically calculated by a reservation engine. As this is an automatic system, errors may eventually occur in the calculation of the rates, which will be notified to the customer through the email address or the telephone number provided by the customer, as soon as EPI GESTION S.L. becomes aware of them. In this case, the customer may choose to cancel his/her reservation free of charge or keep his/her reservation, paying the difference between the amount paid and the correct price of the reservation, all prior to the start of their trip. 


The reservation made may be cancelled directly on the Website or by e-mail: 

From Europe / 

From America and other countries / 

The User must always indicate the reservation number. 

In cases of cancellation of a reservation by the client, the cancellation policies of each of the establishments will be applied, which will have been expressly communicated with regard to the reservation. 

In case of the termination of the contract or cancellation of the reservation, the credit card will only serve as a means of guarantee. The reservation cancellations by the user will not incur early cancellation fees, provided that the cancellation is made in accordance with the cancellation policies of each establishment. Each of the establishments will charge as compensation the cancellation fees established by each of them, according to the rates of each of them. In the event that the User does not comply with the compensation requested by the establishment, the latter will charge such amount shall be charged on the credit card provided by the customer. 

When the establishment is the one who does not attend the confirmed reservation, for reasons attributable only to the establishment, it must provide the customer with another accommodation of equal or superior characteristics and category. 

In none of these cases, EPI GESTIÓN, S.L. may be held liable. 


The recipient will be able to modify the reservation during the entire online booking process. 

If you need to make any modification after receiving the reservation confirmation email, please contact us: 

By e-mail: 

From Europe / 

From America and other countries / 

By telephone: 

From Europe / +34 960479446 

From America and other countries / +52 5541642355 

The User must always indicate the reservation number. 

Promotions will be valid only during the period established by SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS in their advertising, or in case this is not established, during the time they are accessible to customers for their effective booking. 

Modifications shall be subject to the conditions in force at the time of the request of the User and will be subject to availability at the establishment. 


All notifications, demands, requests, and other communications to be made by the parties in connection with these General Conditions must be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly made when they have been personally delivered or sent by regular mail to the other party's postal or e-mail address, or to any other address or e-mail address that each party may indicate to the other for this purpose. 


If any clause included in these conditions is declared totally or partially null or ineffective, such nullity shall only affect that specific provision or the part thereof that is null or ineffective. The other conditions shall remain in force. SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS undertakes to replace the provisions affected by the nullity with provisions that are as close as possible in meaning to the intention initially agreed by the parties. 


These General Terms and/or Conditions are governed by Spanish Law. 

Likewise, the Users expressly accept that the resolution of any controversy that may arise with respect to its validity, execution, fulfillment, or resolution, total or partial, will be submitted to the Jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of the User, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them for any doubts that may arise or legal actions that may be exercised with regard to the provision of the service of the Portal, its services, contents, and the interpretation, application, compliance or non-compliance with what is established herein. In the event that the User is domiciled outside a member state of the European Union, SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS and the User agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of the commercial establishment corresponding to SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them. 

This document constitutes the complete and full expression of the agreement between SANDOS HOTELS & RESORTS, and the User, and replaces any and all previous pacts, commitments, representations, or agreements, both written and oral, that have previously existed between them. 

Due to the recent Microsoft Windows operating system failure, we understand that many of our guests may face difficulties with their travel plans. In order to be as flexible as possible to your needs, we offer the following options:
(a) Extended stay:
Guests who are unable to depart due to flight cancellations or rescheduling will be offered a preferential non-commissionable rate which can be paid directly at the front desk.
b) Cancellations / no shows:
There will be no penalties for all passengers scheduled to travel within 5 days of the event (Windows system failure). To request a cancellation, guests should contact the reservations department or the call centre. Please refer to your appropriate contact according to your market or account.
Bookings made through tour operators or third party websites should contact their original booking source for information.
c) Rescheduling of stay:
Sandos Hotels & Resorts will provide guests with a certificate for the number of nights prepaid, which will be valid for 12 months. To take advantage of this option, guests must request their certificate within 60 days of the event. No name changes will be permitted and additional nights or guests will be booked at the current rate, subject to availability. Room availability is subject to availability and blackout dates may apply.
d) Arrival after check-in date:
Guests may arrive on available flights up to 5 days after the event and stay for the same number of nights as originally planned, at the confirmed rate (subject to availability).
Terms and Conditions:

  • The certificate will be valid for the nights affected during the event.
  • The certificate applies to nights that have been booked and paid for in advance.
  • The policy applies only to bookings that arrive within 5 days of the event (Windows system failure).
  • The certificate is valid for 1 year from the original date of travel. Not transferable or redeemable for cash. Subject to availability and surcharges may apply.
  • Excludes day of departure. Air transport and transfers are not included.
  • Bookings made through tour operators or third party websites should contact their original booking source for information on the policy for this event.
  • The certificate will not be redeemable for stays during holidays such as Easter, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve. Other exclusion days may apply.

For any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service centre or your assigned sales representative. 



By contracting our services you are authorizing us to transfer your personal data to the company FLEXMYROOM INSURETECH, S.L., domiciled in Benidorm (03503 – Alicante), Calle Gerona, 13, Local CA 18, and with CIF number B42687616, with the sole purpose of protecting your reservation enjoying the services and insurance products offered. Only the data strictly necessary for the activation of the insurance (name and surname, identity number, postal address and contact information) will be transferred, in our common interest. This entity will cancel your personal data when the service has ended and the legally established deadlines have been met. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of treatment, data portability, and opposition to treatment and not be subject to automated decisions at the email address